One popular technique is to draw shapes that resemble a block of redacted text. (Redacted text is usually used as a security or privacy measure in a document to make certain words unreadable.)
Another technique is to use handwritten scribbles. This creates a sketch-like look that’s especially suited to quick concepting.

Examples of text substitution styles used in wireframing.
Left: Redacted Script, a handwritten scribble style. Right: Redacted text style.
But instead of simulating redacted text with scribbles or shapes, now you can use a typeface to achieve the same effect.

Flow Rounded in use
Flow Circular, Flow Block, and Flow Rounded from Dan Ross and Redacted from Christian Naths are four redacted text options. For a handwritten scribble style, try Nath’s Redacted Script, which is available in Light, Regular, and Bold.